What's in my bag - the Full Mobile Office
Posted by Lois Ho on
With a lot of workplaces (including mine) moving to “dynamic working” or hot-desking arrangements, its become necessary to bring everything I need with me each day I work. To avoid feeling like a pack mule, I try and minimise on what I need and use a more portable option of desk products. I’ve talked before about different iterations of my everyday carry, depending on where I am going and where I am stationed for the day, so this is my full mobile office edition.
Hot-desking often involves sharing desk space with many others and becomes a hot bed of petty stationery thievery. In the normal world, this may not seem like a big deal, but often the small, cool little steel pen is a rare Pilot MYU from the 1970’s that’s virtually irreplaceable.
To avoid this, I take absolutely everything with me at the end of the day and bring everything with me when I start each day. Call me paranoid, but I like to be prepared and I don’t want my stuff “permanently borrowed”.
Personal stuff:
- Wallet
- Medicine kit (includes Nurofen, bandaids, sanitising gel/wipes, Mylanta etc)
- Cosmetic kit (include hair ties/clips, lip balm, tissues)
- Phone
- Keys
- ID card
- Water bottle
- Mints
- Snack (not shown)
Stationery items:
- Fountain pens (usually not rare or irreplaceable, preferably not too expensive)
- Notebook and planner
- Post-its, sticky flags, Ruler, Pen, Pencil, Highlighter, Erasable pen (usually a Frixion). I also normally keep some washi tape in here but I’ve lost my portable washi stickers somewhere.
- iPad Mini (not shown)
What else should I be bringing each day? Any suggestions?
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